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Jeffrey Nytch
Oct 1, 20241 min read
"Lessons from the Woods"
College Music Symposium, Volume 64, no. 2 I was pleased to have been invited to contribute to the latest issue of the College Music...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Jun 28, 20248 min read
Field Notes, Vol. 5 no 1: "We are ancestors, too"
Hello, friends! I know it’s been a while since I last wrote. I’ve been on a full-year sabbatical, which has not only given me the...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Nov 16, 20232 min read
A Special Edition of "Field Notes": MacDowell Discoveries
Some Introductory Thoughts I’m just off a three week residency at MacDowell, and it was nothing short of transformational. As I post this...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Oct 12, 20215 min read
Field Notes, Vol. 3 no. 1: The Vitalness of Space
Two weeks ago the CU-Boulder College of Music officially opened its new wing to the Warner Imig Music Building, a 50,000 square-foot...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Jan 27, 20214 min read
Field Notes, Vol. 2 no. 2: Resilience...
"I honestly don't know how we come out of this. If I were a student again I'd be leaving music school to do something else." My colleague...
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Jeffrey Nytch
May 12, 20207 min read
Field Notes Vol. 1, no. 6: A few thoughts as the semester comes to a close
Oh my: the last few months have been quite something, haven’t they? It’s hard for me to believe that the last edition of these Field...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Feb 11, 20205 min read
Field Notes Vol. 1, no. 5: The Joy of Teams
Say the word “team” to me and the first thing I’m likely to think of is getting picked last in gym class when teams were being chosen,...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Jan 15, 20201 min read
Field Notes Vol. 1 no. 4: Entrepreneurship Pedagogy...with a side of Jazz!
This edition of "Field Notes" takes us to the U.S. Assn. of Small Business and Entrepreneurship conference in New Orleans.

Jeffrey Nytch
Dec 3, 20191 min read
Field Notes, Vol. 1 no. 3: "Jazz with a side of chicken and waffles"
Here's my latest installment of "Field Notes from the Entrepreneurship Center for Music."

Jeffrey Nytch
Nov 22, 20191 min read
Field Notes, Vol. 1 no. 2: Can art be "entrepreneurial"?
Check out my latest "Field Notes" here!

Jeffrey Nytch
Oct 29, 20191 min read
Introducing "Field Notes from the ECM"
Check out this new series I'm launching, "Field Notes from the Entrepreneurship Center for Music." My first entry is here. Let me know if...

Jeffrey Nytch
Apr 24, 20194 min read
"What-If Wednesdays" return with thoughts on Oberlin's recent announcement...
A provocative piece of news came out from Oberlin College recently, and it’s caused quite a stir within music higher education. The...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Mar 6, 20192 min read
It's What if Wednesday!
It's time for the next installment in our weekly series, "What if Wednesday," in which we pose provocative questions about music higher...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Feb 27, 20192 min read
What If Wednesday!
Here's the latest in my continued series of provocative questions about music higher education. Have a "What If" question you'd like me...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Jan 30, 20192 min read
What If Wednesdays are here!
Earlier this month I was fortunate to help lead the College Music Society's "Summit 2.0: Re-imaginging the Undergraduate Music...
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