Field Notes, Vol. 5 no 1: "We are ancestors, too"
Reflections on my journey...
Day Seven: Avatar Grove and Big Lonely Doug
Day Six: Wear Comfortable Shoes
Day Three, part II: Pics as Promised!
Day Three: Forest Maintenance...and the Joys of Tourists
Day Two of Jeff's Old Growth Forest Expedition: Redwood State and National Parks
Jeff's Old Growth Forest Expedition: Day One
Entrepreneurial Iteration -- for the composer
Joining the roster of Cadenza Artists!
Another nice review...
Lovely review of the concerto!
Costa Concordia concerto previewed on "Colorado Matters"
"Seize the Sun: Fantasy on Icarus" performed at Carnegie Mellon University
"Formations" symphony featured in Symphony Magazine
"Seize the Sun" receives a terrific review
"Seize the Sun" to premiere at Carnegie Hall
The Key to Lifelong Growth
Campaign Complete!
Concerto for Violin: Costa Cordia - crowdfunding has launched!