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Jeffrey Nytch
Mar 31, 20181 min read
"Seize the Sun: Fantasy on Icarus" performed at Carnegie Mellon University
So thrilled to bring this piece to Pittsburgh, and to share the program with my dear friend Reza Vali and the last work of the late,...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Mar 27, 20181 min read
Interview on WQED Pittsburgh's "Voice of the Arts"
While I'm back in Pittsburgh for a residency at Carnegie Mellon University and performance of my string quartet with Carpe Diem String...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Mar 19, 20181 min read
Fun interview with Andrew Hitz on "The Entrepreneurial Musician"
I had a great time chatting with Andrew Hitz for his podcast, "The Entrepreneurial Musician." You can listen here.
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Jeffrey Nytch
Mar 2, 20181 min read
Book Launch Day is Here!
It's official: The Entrepreneurial Muse: Inspiring Your Career in Classical Music is now available from Oxford University Press! You can...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Feb 22, 20185 min read
The Winter Olympics brings to mind a great example of opportunity recognition
The last couple of days at the Winter Olympics have featured on of my favorite of all sports events: the bobsled! And the timing is...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Jan 16, 20189 min read
Where is classical music in the new arts economy?
A recent article in Blue Review by scholars Amanda Ashley and Leslie Durham (“How Universities Train Artists as Makers, Creators, and...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Dec 1, 201717 min read
Neoliberalism & Music Entrepreneurship: A response
Andrea Moore’s article, “Neoliberalism and the Musical Entrepreneur” (Journal of the Society for American Music (2016), Vol. 10, number...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Sep 21, 20174 min read
Three lessons from a Rhode Island festival debacle
You’ve probably heard about the Newport Contemporary Music Series, recently launched (if that’s the appropriate term) in Rhode Island and...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Sep 17, 20174 min read
A new beginning at the Colorado Symphony
If you glanced at the opening program of the Colorado Symphony’s 2017-18 season, playing this weekend in Denver, you might be tempted to...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Aug 23, 20178 min read
What happens when you A-S-S-U-M-E
Last week there were two items in the news that caught my eye, and for essentially the same reason. One was a national story about...
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Jeffrey Nytch
May 1, 20175 min read
Thoughts on the 1st Int'l Conference on Music Entrepreneurship, Oslo-Norway
It was my great pleasure to represent the University of Colorado-Boulder and the Entrepreneurship Center for Music this past week at the...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Apr 20, 20171 min read
"Formations" symphony featured in Symphony Magazine
Glad to see my Symphony No. 1, "Formations," mentioned in the Spring 2017 edition of Symphony Magazine.
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Jeffrey Nytch
Jan 15, 20171 min read
"Seize the Sun" receives a terrific review
I'm still basking in the premiere of my string quartet, Seize the Sun: Fantasy on Icarus, with Carpe Diem String Quartet at Carnegie's...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Jan 4, 20172 min read
Kicking off the New Year with a bang...and looking back with perspective
As I begin 2017, I'm wrapping up Phase One of my sabbatical year and reflecting on how action-packed the last five months have been!...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Dec 17, 20162 min read
Loons & Lager: Opportunities through Combination
One of the abiding mysteries of entrepreneurship is where the initial impulses for ideas come from. Sometimes it seems that good ideas...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Dec 6, 20163 min read
"Seize the Sun" to premiere at Carnegie Hall
When I was a kid my mom used to tell me, “Good things come to those who wait.” Well, it’s been a very long wait, but my music will...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Nov 2, 20164 min read
The Key to Lifelong Growth
This week while I was in residence at Michigan State University, I had a student come up to me and ask a great question: What can I do...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Oct 17, 20161 min read
Campaign Complete!
Well, folks, the campaign is complete! My goals for the campaign were ambitious – definitely of the “aspirational” sort – and though we...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Sep 17, 20161 min read
Concerto for Violin: Costa Cordia - crowdfunding has launched!
I'm thrilled to announce my first-ever crowdfunding campaign, in support of a violin concerto I've been commissioned to write for...
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Jeffrey Nytch
Jun 17, 20168 min read
Dinosaurs, Elephants, and Dragon Slayers: Barriers to change in our schools
College Music Society Summit on 21st-century Music School Design Morning Remarks: Will May – Dean, Baylor University School of Music Mary...
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